Filled up

It’s 10:43 p.m. on a Saturday night. That’s late for me. I’m a “hey-look-it’s-8:30-p.m.-and-I’m-tired” type of girl. But I did say I’d blog for 31 days straight…so here goes.

A slice of today? It was yummy. Let’s see…


  • caught up on some much needed sleep (Oh, how I adore sleep)
  • went on errands with the love of my life (Bill Harrod)
  • tried out a new restaurant (Spoon and Cellar…really good)
  • worked on report cards (Love the kids)
  • blogged (As you can see)

That’s a pretty good day, right?

Found this today and it reflects how I feel right now:

Feeling abundant…and tired.

3 Replies to “Filled up”

  1. A wonderful list. Sleep – so good. I wouldn’t consider report cards yummy, but your perspective of love the kids makes sense. Great quote. it speaks to me too.

  2. Jennifer Laffin says: Reply

    I love that quote! It is about what we enjoy. Thank you for that!!

  3. sallydonnelly11 says: Reply

    I enjoyed reading your 5-bullets, all listing things you enjoy! Often my weekend days will have a similar list of time with my family and time doing school work and time blogging. Sometimes people will say “But what do you do for yourself?” being critical of all the time I spend thinking about school on the weekend. And inside I think this response: “I just told you”. I know I spend lots of time thinking about teaching outside of contract hours but for me, it is how I feel joy. Or as your pretty quote mentions, it is my abundance! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good school week!

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